Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Zeb's Baby Led Weaning Journey

So it's been two months now since we started the Baby Led Weaning with Zeb and everyday I am still amazed to see my little one feeding himself during mealtimes. To be honest, I did not have any idea at all about this approach until I came across this social media community Baby Led Weaning Philippines. I joined the group and saw pictures and videos of babies eating by themselves and I thought to myself I wouldn't have the courage to do it with Zeb. 

First of all, what is Baby Led Weaning anyway? Well simply put, it means "self-feeding". Baby eats solid finger food. No mashed. No purees. No spoon feeding. It's just letting your baby explore different tastes and textures by themselves which makes eating fun for them. Like what they always say, food before one is just for fun. The baby's main nutrition  would still come from milk - be it breast milk or formula milk. So don't worry if half of the potato ended up on the floor or the avocado turned out as your baby's face and hair mask. This is all part of learning for your little one.

The biggest challenge in this weaning style is the risk of CHOKING. I myself was very worried at first, in fact this was the main reason why I had second thoughts on going this route. But after some reading and research, I felt confident that Zeb will be able to do it. Note that gagging and choking are two different things so better arm yourself with the knowledge first before you actually begin. You can search on Youtube and watch videos about them and learn how to deal with it. Luckily for us, we haven't had any choking incident and only a couple of gagging. Key here is not to panic and observe with caution how your little one will handle it. Babies are smarter than we think. 

I can't help but smile everytime I see  my Zeb eat his veggies (broccoli is his fave!). So far he has not rejected any food that I offered him, he would eat whatever is on the tray and that is a good training right there to have a less picky-eater child. I hope he continues to be this way until his toddler years. That would be awesome! Though this method is messier than the traditional spoon-feeding way, I wouldn't trade that "one proud momma moments" for a cleaner floor. It feels so good to see that Zeb is already learning to be independent in this early stage of his life. 

So to celebrate his two-month journey, I created this short video montage. Hope this will inspire you to go the BLW way :) Enjoy watching!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Customized Mattress for Zeb's Crib

A few weeks before I gave birth, my mom offered to buy Zeb his crib. Of course I took advantage of that offer so off we went to SM department store to pick up one. Instead of the traditional wooden crib, I opted for a playpen type of crib since it's more convenient to travel with. There weren't a lot of choices in SM Harrison Plaza at that time so I just chose the one that I liked the most which was from the brand Goodbaby.

photo credit:
We also wanted to buy a mattress for when Zeb is big enough to sleep on the lower part of the playpen and not on the "hanging" part but unfortunately we couldn't find a mattress that fits the dimension of the playpen we chose. One of the sales staff recommended to just have it customized by Uratex but I brushed off that idea because I was confident that I will find one that fits and wouldn't cost me a fortune.

Fast forward to today, Zeb is almost 8 months old in a few days and last week, we continued our search for the mattress and yes you guessed it right - we failed! So finally, I succumbed to the idea of having it customized and called Uratex consumer service hotline {888.6800}. I informed the staff about my request and gave her the dimensions - 4 inches thick x 23 inches wide x 46 inches long. She then asked me if I want the foam to be medium-firm or the bouncy type. I chose the former. There's also an option to pick up my order in one of their showrooms but the nearest from my place is either in Muntinlupa or in Cavite which are not that near so I just had it delivered for a fee of Php150. 

When it was time to ask how much the damage would be, I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers hoping it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Usual price we found in the malls was Php2000 so I was expecting it would be higher than that since having something "customized" is almost always expensive. I was surprised and smiling from ear to ear when she gave me a quotation of Php1270. She then instructed to wait for a call from another staff to confirm my order and give the details for payment and delivery.

When I got the call, I got an even better news! The final price for my order was lowered down to Php941.32! When I asked why, she said the initial quotation given was based on retail price. Then she gave me instructions for payment to their BPI account and was told that delivery will be either today (Oct 1) or tomorrow. I placed my order last Thursday (Sept 25) and today, it arrived! Yay!


I excitedly opened the plastic wrap and immediately fixed Zeb's playpen and tadaaaa!!! Finally, he has a proper mattress to sleep in. I'm hoping that this would somehow give him longer Zs at night :)

Overall, my transaction with Uratex was smooth and hassle-free. I regret not doing this in the first place when the SM sales staff suggested it to us. We could have saved on gas and energy mall hopping. Anywho, it's all in the past and I'm a happy mommy now.

Thank you so much for dropping by. Hope this post could be of help.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

6th Month Postpartum Update: Weight Loss, Breastfeeding and More!

Hi guys!

If you don't know yet, our little Zeb turned 6 months old just a little over a week ago. I wrote an entry about it HERE. Today, I'm going to talk about where I'm at in terms of weight loss, breastfeeding and yes, even about sex 6 months after giving birth via Caesarean section.

Okay, let's go straight to the point and begin with the most awkward topic of all...


First of all, let me explain to you our current "set-up". Since hubby is an OFW, Zeb and I fly back and forth from Manila to Singapore so are in what I call a semi-long distance relationship as of the moment. In terms of sleeping arrangements, well we co-sleep with our little munchkin so with all that said, doing the deed has been put on the back burner for now. If you're wondering if the mood is there? Hmmm I'd say yes. It's just that the situation we are right now just makes it a bit difficult to get into the groove, haha! Besides, I am so not ready for another baby anytime soon so better be safe than sorry right? I won't be seeing my OB until I go back to Manila so we don't really have any contraceptive measure in place as of now. Red witch has made an appearance already just a couple of days ago so I am all the more cautious about it.


Around 6 weeks after giving birth, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 50kg. All thanks to breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and stress. I was back to my old clothes but still with an excess flab on my tummy. No biggie. I only wore my binder for a month because it was uncomfortable. I don't know if that decision will take a toll on me in the future, let's hope not. 

Anyhoo, I did not do any exercise at all, I'm not physically active to begin with. Besides, I ain't got time for that {insert face palm here} LOL! Although I do not suggest that you deprive yourself of sleep, I think that is inevitable especially with a newborn. I strongly believe  though that breastfeeding played a major role in losing all that weight. 

When Zeb was about 5 months old, I once again stepped on that dreaded weighing machine and I was surprised to find out that I lost another 3kg! I was in Manila that time and I was always sweating like a pig every day especially after doing some chores. To add to that, I also do squats. Nope, not to tighten my bum nor tone my thighs but to hush Zeb whenever he's having one of his crying episodes. Our pedia taught us this half-squat technique while singing ABC and it actually works! Try it  and see for yourselves :)


I think this topic deserve its own entry but I'd like to go ahead and briefly talk about it here. Yes I am proud to say that I have been exclusively breastfeeding our son for the past six months. Well, technically speaking there were a couple of nights when we were still in the hospital that I gave the nurse a go signal to give formula to Zeb. What was I thinking right? Back then, I didn't know any better. Being a newbie mom, I was worried because I was having slight fever from my engorgement and I was scared that I'd pass it on to him.  So for two nights for 12 hrs, Zeb was fed with formula but that's about it. It was all mommy's milk after that and I have never topped-up. 

To be honest, I didn't have any high hopes that I would be able to breastfeed my child. My mom wasn't able to do it to all three of us and my eldest sister also failed in breastfeeding her two kids too. They said they did everything they possibly could but they weren't really blessed with an abundant supply. So thinking that it runs in the family, I was expecting that I won't be able to do it as well. But to my surprise, everything worked out fine for us! I feel so blessed that I am able to do this for Zeb. Aside from saving us tons of moolah, it's the mother-and-son bond that we get from it that I'm really after. THAT is priceless.


Oh those battle scars.

It seems like they're not going anywhere anytime soon. Well, I can't blame them. I actually stopped using my stretch mark cream since Zeb came out to the outside world. I just didn't want to bother putting on any lotion or cream on my body. Although some streaks have lightened up, some looks like they're gonna be hanging out for a little longer.

As for my linea negra, it has relatively lightened up a lot. Only the bottom part from my belly button going down to my pubis is left a bit visible. I don't mind them though, I just treat them as "guests". I know they will be gone in time.

So there goes my 6th month post partum update mommies. If you made it up to this point, well THANK YOU! I appreciate your time reading this post. And if you arE on the same boat as me or about to reach you sixth month, I hope this helps :)

Thank you for dropping by.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Zeb's Half-year Milestones

Whoa! I couldn't believe that our baby Zeb is now SIX MONTHS OLD! I feel like time just went by with a blink of an eye. I have to be honest though, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for the past six months. Taking care of a newborn baby for a newbie mom like me is really a handful. But at the end of the day, it's all worth it :)

Anyhoo, I'm here today to document my little one's monthly progress and milestones. I want to have something to go back to in case I'll be needing a comparison for a possible baby #2 :) I originally intended to do this on a monthly basis but I couldn't find the time to do so. Did I mention taking care of a baby is a handful?

Oh yeah I did :/

Okay, for his first month all he basically did was the EAT-POOP-SLEEP-REPEAT routine. He was living like a king (well, actually until now... lol!). There was no significant milestone that month if my memory serves me right but here's a clip of my baby Zeb on his first morning at home. He was five days old here...

On his second month though, the fun began. My heart melted when I caught his first smile. He also learned how to squeal when he is overly happy or excited as if he's talking to mommy. And while on his tummy (which he didn't like that much), he was also able to move his head from left to right. He showed interest in standing up as well by straightening his legs every time I carry him while  I'm sitting down. He would stretch out his legs and stand up on my thighs. He would even kick me sometimes like saying "Mommy don't be lazy, move your butt and stand up!" Hahaha!

Our cheeky Zeb. Photo taken exactly on his 2nd month birthday.

By his third month, he started giggling which we totally enjoyed watching! He also got quite a good grip when he unintentionally grabs on things. There were moments when he tries to reach for his toys dangling on the side of his stroller but he wasn't really THAT interested to do it. Another proud momma moment for me was when he started showing interest in sitting down. Although his head still wobbled, he can sit up (leaning against something, of course) for a few seconds without my support. Yay!

My very first Mother's Day.

His fourth month was more exciting for us newbie parents. This was the time when he started developing some of his gross motor skills. He rolled over to from his back to his tummy for the first time! You can't imagine how happy I was when I witnessed it! {video clip below!} He also liked toning his biceps by lifting his upper body whenever he's on tummy time... lol!  This time around, he already intentionally reach on things in front of him and putting just about everything in his mouth! He definitely enjoyed exploring his surroundings and he surely let us know by laughing and smiling a lot more!

His fifth month was more action packed. First off, Zeb showed his eagerness to crawl already. He didn't hate tummy time as much as he disliked it in the beginning. He actually kept on rolling over to his tummy and would get up on his all fours and rock himself back and forth. It never fails to make me laugh whenever I see him do that! He exerts so much effort to lunge forward but sometimes for some reason, he ends up going backwards. LOL!

Another major thing we noticed from him is his interest to eat! Since he practically clings to me almost the entire day, he always sees us eating our meals. As I try to eat my meal one-handed (baby on the left arm, spoon on the right hand), he would intently follow the spoon from the plate to my mouth. As it comes nearer, he stretches his hand and would try to reach for it. At times, he would push his body forward with mouth wide open trying to get the grub in his mouth! Funny but at the same time I feel bad for him reason why we decided to give him a taste of his first solid food - frozen banana :) We  actually tried to give him a papaya on his fourth month (with pedia's recommendation due to constipation) but it seemed like he wasn't ready yet. His tongue reflex pushes the food out so we decided to hold it off til we see his  "readiness" and we're glad we did.

Loving his frozen banana :)
And just recently, Zeb is already practicing sitting up on his own! He can do the tripod position but it would only last for not more than 10 seconds. Nevertheless, it's still an achievement for Zeb. Reality is starting to kick in that soon enough, he won't be a baby anymore :(

My big boy Zeb!

Now that he's entering his sixth month, it's needless to say how happy and excited we are being first time parents, to witness his milestones one after the other. It only feels like yesterday he was just a tiny little baby cuddled in my arms, now he's one active and talkative boy eager to explore everything in his surroundings.

To you my son, know that mommy and daddy love you so much. We will always be here to support and guide you. We will never force you nor pressure you. Just do things at your own pace, at your own time.

HAPPY 6TH MONTH OF LIFE, ZEB GAVIN! Thank you for the happiness you have given us for the past six months and we are looking forward for more! Love you son.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Daddy's First Father's Day!

Hi all!

I know I am almost a month late for this post but it just suddenly dawned on me that I haven't shared my Father's Day video I did for my dear hubby. As you all know, I am now a stay-at-home-mom so I had to be creative and think of a way to honor my husband without spending a single centavo. 

Being an active "youtuber" and constantly making videos, it goes without saying that I had to make a video for my husband to show how I appreciate him for being the father that he is. That was my simple way of honoring him and I hope you enjoy watching...

Friday, May 9, 2014

My First Mother's Day

I know I am a day early to do a Mother's Day post but I think it's only fitting for me to write this today considering where I was in my life exactly one year ago.

May 10, 2013
We were at the Hong Kong International Airport waiting to board our flight back to Singapore as we conclude a 5-day family vacation. Just when we were about to board the plane, I suddenly felt something down there. I remember praying in the toilet hoping that it's not what I was thinking but unfortunately it was. Yes, the red witch made an appearance once again! That was already the third month after my laparoscopic surgery to remove the cyst on my left ovary which I blogged about here. I had high hopes to get pregnant right away so needless to say, I was crying in the plane on our way back. That was definitely not a good way to end a family vacay.

Fast forward to today, who would've thought that I will be holding my precious baby in my arms as I am writing this Mother's Day post? My life has made a complete turn around and this is just a reminder that God answers our prayers in His own perfect time. I am very happy beyond words can ever express to be celebrating my very first Mother's Day with our baby Zeb and my loving husband. 

It has been a challenging three months being a mom I must say but I wouldn't trade this for anything else in the world. I am blessed that I am able to be a stay at home mom and be really hands on with our child. There have been numerous sleepless night especially in the beginning and I went through a lot of frustrations and fears but at the end of the day, I am still grateful that I am given this opportunity to go through and experience motherhood. It has made me realize that my heart is capable of loving someone as much as I love my son.

So to all hardworking moms  like my mom, my mother-in-law and my sister and to those soon-to-be moms - Happy Mother's Day! Let us all celebrate this wonderful day for being a woman and thank the Lord for giving us this  very challenging but fulfilling role as a mother. 

And to those who are trying to be one, hang in there and keep the faith.

Again, Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Zeb's First Baby Spa Experience and Review

I have been looking forward to bringing my little one to the baby spa ever since he was 1 month old. Today, I finally did... Yay! I was so excited for my baby because I know he will enjoy the experience. He loves his bath time and after each session he will start to be fussy. I know that cry means he still wants to stay in the tub. I think he will be a swimmer like mommy :)

There are several health benefits of swimming including but not limited to the following:
  • Helps strengthen the muscles, ligaments, heart and lungs
  • Develop motor control, agility, coordination and balance
  • Enhances and stimulates senses and immune system
  • Fosters social stimulation and interaction among babies
  • Sets foundation for babies and adapt positive and long-term attitude towards learning
  • Builds trust and confidence between parents and babies especially in water environment

I have heard about Baby Spa long time ago so today I brought him to their branch in Katong V Mall, which luckily, is just a walking distance away from where we stay.

As soon as we stepped in, we were greeted by the Chinese staff and handed over to me their flyer showing the rates.

A. Member Rates (with registration fee of $10 and with free towel with hood)
10 Swimming Sessions (valid for 6months) - $350
20 Swimming Sessions (valid for 12 months) - $590
Golden Card (Unlimited within one year) - $1,090

B. Non-Member
Trial - $45 with free 1 swim diaper

Aside from baby swimming, they also offer 2 other services which are baby massage and baby haircut. For those babies getting their hair cut for the first time, they also give a First Haircut Certificate with the baby's picture. So cute!!!
I didn't sign up for the membership though because let's be honest, the rates are pretty darn expensive! I just wanted my baby to try it at least once to satisfy my curiosity :) 

While baby's getting changed to a swim diaper
After the staff changed him into swim diaper, she did a few arms and legs exercise on baby to warm him up. The other staff then filled one of the four single tubs with lukewarm water. She kept asking me from time to time to touch the water to see if the temperature is fine with me. They also have some kind of a thermometer which they dip into the water and will then show if it's too hot, too cold or just right.

Zeb with the friendly staff of Baby Spa
Once all set, they put on the neck floater on Zeb and slowly dipped him into the tub. As expected, he didn't cry but instead he started kicking his legs. Weeeee!!!! That was a "proud momma moment" and I was smiling from ear to ear. That was the first time I felt like a "stage mother" haha!

Rubber duckie! Haha!


After about 20 minutes, it's time to take Zeb out from the tub (boooo!). It was noted in the flyer that first time babies cannot stay in the water for too long. It is better to gradually lengthen their swimming time each visit. Such a shame that we were the only customer when we dropped by. Would have been more fun if he was able to interact and be with other babies in the bigger pool.

So after I took him out, the staff asked me if I want to have my baby massaged. I thought at first that it was included in the $45 charge but ooops! I was wrong! I ended up paying an additional $24 ($10 for members) for the massage. It was good though that I was able to see massage techniques for babies so now I can do it to him at home after every bath :)

Overall, I think the $69 charge is a steep price to pay for a 30-minute experience but the smile on my baby's face and seeing how much he enjoyed it was PRICELESS! I'd say give it a try if you have the chance!

My ratings:
Service - 4/5
Cleanliness and Hygiene - 4/5
Staff - 3/5
**The staff were friendly but it was a little difficult to communicate with them since they don't speak english that well.

Price - 2/5

Monday, April 7, 2014

Survival Guide for A Newbie Mom

Before I begin, let me put out a disclaimer that I am in no way, shape or form an expert on motherhood. Everything I will be mentioning in this blog post is based from my own experience being a first time mom at age 33.

When I was on my last trimester of my pregnancy, I made an effort to read books and even online about labor and delivery and of course taking care of a newborn. Though I have a nephew and niece, I didn't get to be around with them and observe how my sister took care of them since I was working abroad. So when I finally gave birth to my son, I had to learn everything from scratch based on what I've read, help from my sister and mom and of course my motherly instincts.

So how did I survive the first two months? Well, let me give you the low down...

Yes, that is the worst thing that you can do when you have a newborn baby crying uncontrollably  in front of you. Before you pick your him up, take a deep breath and relax. First, check if your baby is feeling uncomfortable. Hold his hands and feet and see if it's hot or cold, add or remove one layer of clothing accordingly. Next check if there's a poop explosion. If it's all clear, then watch out for signs of hunger ie. sucking motion. What I like to do is put my forefinger knuckle around on his cheeks near his lips and see if he will try to catch it. If he does, then yes, it's feeding time! If all else fails, then your baby might just be longing for mommy's cuddle so pick him up and comfort your little one. Try to burp him while you're at it. 

It will make your life much easier if you keep all necessary things like diaper, wet wipes, alcohol and the like within reach especially at night time. If you are formula feeding, keeping your bottles, distilled water and formula by your bedside will also make your night time feedings less stressful. However, breastfeeding your baby will be a LOT easier (and not to mention healthier) coz you just need to take one boobie out and you're good to go :) I also find that co-sleeping with my baby made it more manageable at night but be cautious though that you don't squish your baby. Putting pillows around him helped.

With the technology nowadays, information is just one swipe away. Google will be your best friend especially if you are the paranoid kind like me. Every single thing that is out of the norm that I notice on my baby makes me overly concerned. So before I bother my pedia with my paranoia, I would normally google and search for answers first but from reliable sources of course. My most visited sites are Baby Center and Kellymom. There are also lots of applications that you can download on your phone to help you keep track of your nursing schedule and diaper changes. I used Baby Nursing app on my baby's first few weeks. Another useful app if Lactamed where you can check if a certain medication is safe for nursing mothers. The possibilities are endless in the internet world, all you have to do is search for it :)

It's nice to be surrounded with people who are going through or have gone through the same as you. You can share tips and tricks on how to take care of your little bundle of joy. You can also find virtual mommy friends online by joining Facebook groups for moms like Breastfeeding Pinays where I  personally learned a lot. Thanks to my friend Chie (Hi Chie if you're reading this!) for introducing the group to me. I also joined another group of mommies on FB who also gave birth on the first quarter of this year so we have a lot in common to talk about and share experiences with. It is such a relief to know when people are also going through the same things like you. 

If you want to come out of this alive and sane, then you have to spend some quality "me" time. A  two-hour mall time for me is enough just to rejuvenate, getting a hair cut or a mani and pedi would be a bonus. I have to be honest though, I miss my baby when I'm out and about so I'm sure you'd feel the same. But having your "me" time doesn't mean you have to leave the comforts of your own home. Like for me, blogging is one way to de-stress and let my creative juices come out again. I do this when my little one is asleep. Just take advantage of this time and do things that you haven't done in a long time.

So there you go... I hope these tips will help you survive the first few months of your new found career as mommies! If you want to share your own tips, don't hesitate to leave 'em below :)

Thanks ladies!


Friday, March 28, 2014

Applying For Baby's Philippine Passport

Having a husband working abroad while I take care of our newborn son is difficult. All I can wish for is for us to be together. Initially, our plan is for my hubby to come over and visit us once a month but looking at it financially, it seemed impractical. So we decided that it would be more reasonable for my baby and I to just fly over to Singapore to visit him and stay there for a month or two. 

But before we can do that, our almost 2-month old baby Zeb must have his passport first so last March 18, we went to the DFA office in Aseana Business Park along Macapagal boulevard to apply. By right, an applicant must book an appointment first on their website {or call 737-1000} before heading down to their office but luckily there are exemptions -- senior citizens, infants and minors below 1 year old, person with disability and OFWs. Yay!

As I walked in, the guard instructed me to proceed to the 2nd floor of gate 5 which is where the priority lane is. There I was given an application form and a queue number {tip: download the form online and fill it out at home to save time}. As soon as my number was called, the lady behind the counter asked me to produce the original copies of the required documents one by one and then asked for the photocopied versions. For my Zeb's application, I was asked to show my passport, his birth certificate in security paper {or SECPA as they call it, which you can request from the local civil registrar of the municipality where your baby was born} and our marriage contract. After that, I was instructed to proceed to the cashier and pay Php1,200. Regular processing fee is Php950 but those who used the priority lane is subjected to pay a higher amount {don't ask me why}. 

After settling the fee, we proceeded to the picture taking booth dedicated for infants. The staff laid out a blue blanket on the table and asked me to put Zeb down. Luckily, he was cooperative that day and it only took us one shot to get this photo {good job baby!}.

On  my way out, I stopped by the LBC booth to have it delivered to our house instead of picking it up. I paid Php120 for the delivery charge and I was told that it will be delivered after 7 working days which happens to be today, March 28! I've been waiting for it since this morning so when I heard the door bell ring this afternoon, I knew that was it! We are so excited to be with daddy :)

Anyway, the whole process only took me around 30 minutes. It could have been faster had I filled out the form beforehand because carrying a baby and filling out a form at the same time ain't easy. I do hope that this pleasant experience can be applied to everyone, not just to those in priority lane. But overall, I can still see some glare of hope in our system.

Thanks for reading guys. Hope this helps!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Welcoming our Zeb Gavin

Hello there ladies!

Sorry for my short hiatus. For those who have been following this blog, I am no longer living in Singapore but my husband still is. I came home here in the Philippines last December and officially became a stay-at-home wife.

After I stopped working, I found myself spending my time reading up on labor and delivery as I was very anxious or should I say S-C-A-R-E-D about the pain of giving birth. This is probably one of my greatest fear in life. I like to believe that I have a high threshold for pain but there's something about delivering a small human being via the small hole and the thought of it tearing/ripping scares the hell out of me. It makes my knees weak.

Anyhoo, I'm here to share with you guys my birthing story. It actually turned out to be a good experience as there was minimal pain in my labor and delivery.  Thanks to my baby :) 

So, here goes...

February 3


I woke up and felt that my undies was wet. I went to the bathroom to make sure that I just didn't accidentally peed on myself. I was wearing white undies that day so it was  fairly easy to see if there is a yellowish stain and there wasn't. I actually had to (sorry TMI) smell it just to make sure but it didn't really smell anything like pee so in my mind I know that it could have been from my water bag. At first I was still in denial. I didn't want to believe that I could be giving birth on that day because my husband is not yet here. He was actually scheduled to come home on the 6th of Feb. I couldn't imagine going through my labor and delivery without him by my side so I had to stay calm and collected. I then took a bath and dressed up. After a few minutes of thinking what to do, I decided to text my OB (my cousin Dra. Leonor Manio-Leonardo) and tell her about the wet undies. She instructed me to go directly to the Genesis Center of Asian Hospital for admission because my water bag have ruptured. As soon as I read the word ADMISSION, reality hit me in the face. This is it! I am giving birth... OH-EM-GEE! I was still hesitant at first because I was not feeling any pain or contractions but my OB told me that baby is exposed to the environment and I need to be induced.

I called my husband right away and broke the news and needless to say, I cried my eyes out! He calmed me down and said that he will be booking a flight that same day. He got the 4PM flight and was expected to reach Manila around 8-ish. I was really hoping that baby can wait for daddy before he decide to come out.


We reached Asian Hospital and as instructed, we went straight to the Genesis Center.  They did an IE and cervix was still closed. After that, a speculum was inserted down there to check my water bag and we found out it was not ruptured yet. What I experience may have been a leak. I was then strapped to a fetal monitor to check my contractions and they saw that I was having strong ones every 5 minutes however I wasn't feeling any pain at all. Since I haven't eaten anything since the night before, I asked permission from my OB if I can have my lunch first and she gave me the go signal.


I went back to the labor room and had me strapped again to the fetal monitor. This time the contractions were milder. Maybe because I kept asking baby to wait for his daddy before making his big entrance. 


I was put on oxytocin via an IV to induce labor and for contractions to start. I kept looking at the graph coming out of fetal monitor and there were contractions but it wasn't consistent and I still was not feeling any pain. 


Daddy made it to the hospital! Yay! I had a sigh of relief after seeing my husband walk through the door! Finally, I don't have to go through it alone anymore. 


They did an IE a couple of times more and my cervix was still closed so my OB ordered to stop my IV first and have it resumed the next day. At this point, I was already very exhausted. Lying on the bed almost the whole day strapped to a monitor was not the most comfortable feeling.

February 4


The nurse came in and resumed my oxytocin. After an hour, I started to feel the contractions but the pain was still bearable. Nothing that I couldn't handle. To be honest though, I was already petrified because I thought my labor will start anytime soon and the pain will get stronger and stronger but it didn't.


IE was done and I was finally 1 cm dilated! Finally we saw some "progress". We were already feeling the excitement but at the back of my mind I was also preparing myself for the pain. Hours passed and I didn't progress. I was stuck at 1 cm.


Doctor's order came that I can no longer eat or drink, not even water. I already knew that this in preparation for a C-section in case baby really decides not to come out the natural way. I felt torn. I have always wanted to experience that magical natural child birth that everybody's talking about but on the other hand, I felt that I will be able to handle the pain of a C-section more. Maybe because of my experience with my laparoscopic surgery a year ago. 


My OB arrived at the hospital and from then on things went by fast. After 10 minutes, I found myself inside the operating room and the spinal anesthesia is being administered. After a minute or two, it has taken effect and half of my body was already numb. This is it! We will finally meet our precious little baby! I felt sleepy but I tried to fight it off. I wanted to be awake when my baby comes out and burst out his first cry.

At 6:48PM, our precious little one, Zeb Gavin Lim said hello to the world!

Our Zeb Gavin with my OB Dra. Leonor Manio-Leonardo

Turns out, my baby's cord was around his neck and maybe that's one reason why he was not descending down my pelvis. We just thanked God that he came out safe and healthy at 3.5kg! The doctors and nurses kept telling me that he's a big baby and that I may not be able to deliver him via normal delivery.

Anyway, luckily daddy was allowed inside so he was able to take photos. I will forever treasure this moment. It has totally turned our lives around - we are now PARENTS. I know it's a tough job but it is a blessing to be one.

Our first family photo :)

As for baby, he got an infection and he needed to stay in the nursery instead of having him inside our room since he needs to be on IV every 12 hours.  I was ready to go home the next day but was not allowed yet by my OB. We also cannot bear the thought of leaving baby behind since I wanted to breastfeed so we decided to wait until baby was allowed to be discharged. By Saturday, Feb 8, we went home as a happy family!

So there you have it ladies. My not-so-painful birthing story :) I'm really thankful for my baby for making my whole pregnancy up to delivery a very pleasant experience. He didn't cause me any unbearable pain. I hope it stays that way until he grows up... lol! 

I am now 2 weeks post partum and my stitches have healed. I'm no longer taking pain medications since last week but I am still wearing my binder to put everything back into place hehe :) Not gonna lie, having undergone CS was tough especially the day after. It was so difficult to walk around especially when I needed to be wheeled out of my room to go to the nursery to feed my baby but miraculously, the pain disappears whenever I have my baby in my arms. I felt I was superwoman!

Now at home, I feel like we have already adjusted to catering baby's needs since the only thing they know how to do  for now is to sleep, eat and poop! We have worked our way around it and we are getting better/longer sleep at night. This baby is really such a breeze to take care of. Thank you, Lord for this miracle!