Wednesday, August 13, 2014

6th Month Postpartum Update: Weight Loss, Breastfeeding and More!

Hi guys!

If you don't know yet, our little Zeb turned 6 months old just a little over a week ago. I wrote an entry about it HERE. Today, I'm going to talk about where I'm at in terms of weight loss, breastfeeding and yes, even about sex 6 months after giving birth via Caesarean section.

Okay, let's go straight to the point and begin with the most awkward topic of all...


First of all, let me explain to you our current "set-up". Since hubby is an OFW, Zeb and I fly back and forth from Manila to Singapore so are in what I call a semi-long distance relationship as of the moment. In terms of sleeping arrangements, well we co-sleep with our little munchkin so with all that said, doing the deed has been put on the back burner for now. If you're wondering if the mood is there? Hmmm I'd say yes. It's just that the situation we are right now just makes it a bit difficult to get into the groove, haha! Besides, I am so not ready for another baby anytime soon so better be safe than sorry right? I won't be seeing my OB until I go back to Manila so we don't really have any contraceptive measure in place as of now. Red witch has made an appearance already just a couple of days ago so I am all the more cautious about it.


Around 6 weeks after giving birth, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 50kg. All thanks to breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and stress. I was back to my old clothes but still with an excess flab on my tummy. No biggie. I only wore my binder for a month because it was uncomfortable. I don't know if that decision will take a toll on me in the future, let's hope not. 

Anyhoo, I did not do any exercise at all, I'm not physically active to begin with. Besides, I ain't got time for that {insert face palm here} LOL! Although I do not suggest that you deprive yourself of sleep, I think that is inevitable especially with a newborn. I strongly believe  though that breastfeeding played a major role in losing all that weight. 

When Zeb was about 5 months old, I once again stepped on that dreaded weighing machine and I was surprised to find out that I lost another 3kg! I was in Manila that time and I was always sweating like a pig every day especially after doing some chores. To add to that, I also do squats. Nope, not to tighten my bum nor tone my thighs but to hush Zeb whenever he's having one of his crying episodes. Our pedia taught us this half-squat technique while singing ABC and it actually works! Try it  and see for yourselves :)


I think this topic deserve its own entry but I'd like to go ahead and briefly talk about it here. Yes I am proud to say that I have been exclusively breastfeeding our son for the past six months. Well, technically speaking there were a couple of nights when we were still in the hospital that I gave the nurse a go signal to give formula to Zeb. What was I thinking right? Back then, I didn't know any better. Being a newbie mom, I was worried because I was having slight fever from my engorgement and I was scared that I'd pass it on to him.  So for two nights for 12 hrs, Zeb was fed with formula but that's about it. It was all mommy's milk after that and I have never topped-up. 

To be honest, I didn't have any high hopes that I would be able to breastfeed my child. My mom wasn't able to do it to all three of us and my eldest sister also failed in breastfeeding her two kids too. They said they did everything they possibly could but they weren't really blessed with an abundant supply. So thinking that it runs in the family, I was expecting that I won't be able to do it as well. But to my surprise, everything worked out fine for us! I feel so blessed that I am able to do this for Zeb. Aside from saving us tons of moolah, it's the mother-and-son bond that we get from it that I'm really after. THAT is priceless.


Oh those battle scars.

It seems like they're not going anywhere anytime soon. Well, I can't blame them. I actually stopped using my stretch mark cream since Zeb came out to the outside world. I just didn't want to bother putting on any lotion or cream on my body. Although some streaks have lightened up, some looks like they're gonna be hanging out for a little longer.

As for my linea negra, it has relatively lightened up a lot. Only the bottom part from my belly button going down to my pubis is left a bit visible. I don't mind them though, I just treat them as "guests". I know they will be gone in time.

So there goes my 6th month post partum update mommies. If you made it up to this point, well THANK YOU! I appreciate your time reading this post. And if you arE on the same boat as me or about to reach you sixth month, I hope this helps :)

Thank you for dropping by.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Zeb's Half-year Milestones

Whoa! I couldn't believe that our baby Zeb is now SIX MONTHS OLD! I feel like time just went by with a blink of an eye. I have to be honest though, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for the past six months. Taking care of a newborn baby for a newbie mom like me is really a handful. But at the end of the day, it's all worth it :)

Anyhoo, I'm here today to document my little one's monthly progress and milestones. I want to have something to go back to in case I'll be needing a comparison for a possible baby #2 :) I originally intended to do this on a monthly basis but I couldn't find the time to do so. Did I mention taking care of a baby is a handful?

Oh yeah I did :/

Okay, for his first month all he basically did was the EAT-POOP-SLEEP-REPEAT routine. He was living like a king (well, actually until now... lol!). There was no significant milestone that month if my memory serves me right but here's a clip of my baby Zeb on his first morning at home. He was five days old here...

On his second month though, the fun began. My heart melted when I caught his first smile. He also learned how to squeal when he is overly happy or excited as if he's talking to mommy. And while on his tummy (which he didn't like that much), he was also able to move his head from left to right. He showed interest in standing up as well by straightening his legs every time I carry him while  I'm sitting down. He would stretch out his legs and stand up on my thighs. He would even kick me sometimes like saying "Mommy don't be lazy, move your butt and stand up!" Hahaha!

Our cheeky Zeb. Photo taken exactly on his 2nd month birthday.

By his third month, he started giggling which we totally enjoyed watching! He also got quite a good grip when he unintentionally grabs on things. There were moments when he tries to reach for his toys dangling on the side of his stroller but he wasn't really THAT interested to do it. Another proud momma moment for me was when he started showing interest in sitting down. Although his head still wobbled, he can sit up (leaning against something, of course) for a few seconds without my support. Yay!

My very first Mother's Day.

His fourth month was more exciting for us newbie parents. This was the time when he started developing some of his gross motor skills. He rolled over to from his back to his tummy for the first time! You can't imagine how happy I was when I witnessed it! {video clip below!} He also liked toning his biceps by lifting his upper body whenever he's on tummy time... lol!  This time around, he already intentionally reach on things in front of him and putting just about everything in his mouth! He definitely enjoyed exploring his surroundings and he surely let us know by laughing and smiling a lot more!

His fifth month was more action packed. First off, Zeb showed his eagerness to crawl already. He didn't hate tummy time as much as he disliked it in the beginning. He actually kept on rolling over to his tummy and would get up on his all fours and rock himself back and forth. It never fails to make me laugh whenever I see him do that! He exerts so much effort to lunge forward but sometimes for some reason, he ends up going backwards. LOL!

Another major thing we noticed from him is his interest to eat! Since he practically clings to me almost the entire day, he always sees us eating our meals. As I try to eat my meal one-handed (baby on the left arm, spoon on the right hand), he would intently follow the spoon from the plate to my mouth. As it comes nearer, he stretches his hand and would try to reach for it. At times, he would push his body forward with mouth wide open trying to get the grub in his mouth! Funny but at the same time I feel bad for him reason why we decided to give him a taste of his first solid food - frozen banana :) We  actually tried to give him a papaya on his fourth month (with pedia's recommendation due to constipation) but it seemed like he wasn't ready yet. His tongue reflex pushes the food out so we decided to hold it off til we see his  "readiness" and we're glad we did.

Loving his frozen banana :)
And just recently, Zeb is already practicing sitting up on his own! He can do the tripod position but it would only last for not more than 10 seconds. Nevertheless, it's still an achievement for Zeb. Reality is starting to kick in that soon enough, he won't be a baby anymore :(

My big boy Zeb!

Now that he's entering his sixth month, it's needless to say how happy and excited we are being first time parents, to witness his milestones one after the other. It only feels like yesterday he was just a tiny little baby cuddled in my arms, now he's one active and talkative boy eager to explore everything in his surroundings.

To you my son, know that mommy and daddy love you so much. We will always be here to support and guide you. We will never force you nor pressure you. Just do things at your own pace, at your own time.

HAPPY 6TH MONTH OF LIFE, ZEB GAVIN! Thank you for the happiness you have given us for the past six months and we are looking forward for more! Love you son.