Monday, December 31, 2012

Life Changing Moment

Hi ladies! I'm back!

First of all let me just wish everyone happy holidays! I hope you had a great Christmas celebration and wish you all have a prosperous new year ahead!

Ok as promised, I'm here to share with you the series of lab tests that my husband and I went through for our baby-making journey. A few days after I first met with my doctor, I received the result of my pap smear via mail and thank God it was normal. However, she stated that I have a mild infection and prescribed a medication called Flagystatin for me to insert down there. At first I was like "what the hell is that?" so I googled and found out that it's a common kind of infection on women so I stopped worrying. I brought the prescription with me to Watsons and handed it over to a male pharmacist {yah, talk about feeling awkward}. I waited anxiously as he read my prescription and when he handed me the box he asked "do you know how to use it?"... I didn't know how to respond and stuttered for a while but I managed to say a very awkward "no" and so he went on and explained it to me.

The capsule has a butter-like consistency that you insert down there for 10 consecutive nights. It is important that you don't skip a day as you need to restart from day 1 if you do so. Once it's in, it is best to stay lying down that is why I did it before we went to sleep. Let me just say it's not the most comfortable feeling in the world.

My next visit to the hospital was on my Day 3 of my next menstrual cycle {21 Nov 2012}. I was instructed by Dr. Anu to come down again to do a blood test during my day 2 or 3 and that's what I did. So I basically went in and the nurse drew 3 tubes of my blood and paid for  the following:

Full Blood Count............................$23.54
Anti-Mullerian Hormone................$34.24
Rubella IgG.....................................$28.89

On the other hand, my husband was scheduled for a semen analysis. He actually opted to do the "collection" at home since we were informed that we have a 2-hour time frame before his little soldiers die... lol! So we went in and paid.

Conventional Semen Analysis...............$64.20
Grand Total for the day....................$257.87

December 3, 2012. 
That day was definitely an emotional day for me. It was time for us to find out whether the cyst is still there. I was terrified and shaking inside to be back in the hospital because I know that there will be alien-looking gadgets going inside of me again

First order of business was to do the gynae scan. Though I was scared to find out whether the cyst was gone or not, my first question to the sonographer was "is it still there?" , she played it safe at first and asked me what my doctor told me and I told her I know that I have a cyst on my left ovary. She then confirmed it and said "yes, it's still there." 

Tears started rolling down my cheeks in an instant! All I wanted to do that time was run out of the room and be in my husband's arms. I know this sounds so cheesy and dramatic but that was really what I felt. She continued scanning and taking screen captures and handed this report to Dr. Anu.

We then went to see Dr. Anu and discussed the result. She told me that the kind of cyst I have is called a dermoid cyst which according to Wikipedia is a cystic teratoma that contains developmentally mature skin complete with hair follicles and sweat glands, sometimes clumps of long hair, and often pockets of sebum, blood, fat, bone, nails, teeth, eyes, cartilage, and thyroid tissue. She basically told me the same thing but at that time I wasn't really listening and when I went home and googled, I was shocked and disgusted with the photos I saw. I couldn't believe I have that thing inside of me right now. 

Dr. Anu recommended to have it removed via laparoscopic surgery while the size is still relatively small. I asked how much it would be and it ranges between $4k -  $5K. Whoa! That made my jaw drop. Since my husband and I are scheduled to go back to the Philippines next month, we told her that I will have it done there instead. Recently though, I found out that I have an insurance coverage from where I work so I will be undergoing the surgery here in Singapore instead by February.

She then proceeded on explaining the lab test results from our recent visit. It was good to hear that everything is perfectly fine. Both of us have good and healthy eggs, thank God! She encouraged us to continue trying and prescribed me folic acid and vitamins C and E for my husband for us to take daily for the next three months.

We stepped out from her office and proceeded to the cashier and paid the following:

Consultation Service...................................$80.25
Gynae Scan.................................................$90.95
Folic Acid.....................................................$5.75
Vitamin C....................................................$45.90
Vitamin E....................................................$25.80
Grand Total.............................................$248.65

That day was definitely a life changing moment for me. In a way I regretted not seeing the doctor earlier but I know it was too late for that. Though I am scared as hell to go through the surgery, I am excited to take this thing out of me and start with our baby-making journey! I know God will be with me in every step of the way.

Baby dust to all who are trying like us and I wish you all a Happy New Year ahead!

Thank you all for reading this lengthy post!


  1. Hi Mel, just read this post. Don't worry cliche' as it goes, there is a reason for everything. I was the same on my 1st ever gyne checkup when I found out I was pregnant, I was literally shaking. Eventually I got used to it. Those minor checkups actually prepared me for the lengthy procedure of delivery. Sobra akong takot manganak and then later you just get immune, and then you realize that there's really nothing to fear. It's all that feeling of the unknown. I had myoma naman at the start of my pregnancy but I guess it disappeared while Lili was growing. I also had an infection but I don't remember what it's called anymore and I had undergone operation in MLA last 2010. Pag nalinis yan, mas madaling manganak and mag conceive as far as I know. Tell me about the feeling of anticipating pain, buti na lang may anesthesia. Sabi nga ni Ivan sa akin, women have been seeing doctors and delivering babies since the beginning of time, you are not the first person to do this. Totoo naman diba? So, be strong, coz you will need so much of that during pregnancy and when you enter motherhood. But it's the best feeling. You will sort of feel that you are serving a purpose in this lifetime, coz women were born to carry and deliver babies. Nothing like it. & be proud of yourself that you are on this journey at the start of the year. Happy New Year to you & Beans. Good luck on your operation.

    1. Thanks Djae for sharing your experience and comforting words. I know and I believe that there is a perfect timing for everything. Maybe God wanted us to enjoy our life first as newly married couple that's why he gave us the opportunity to travel a lot last year {still feels a bit weird saying "last year" hehe}...
      I am not looking forward to the pain of delivery haha! I need to conquer my fear of my coming surgery first. I hope and pray everything goes well and will definitely update this blog of any news regarding my condition.
      Regards to Ivan and kisses to you and Lili! Happy new year! Mwah! I miss you :)
